Past Webinars

Job Seekers

Agriculteur, un métier technologique!

March 29, 2022

Grâce à l’adoption de nouvelles technologies et l’intégration de connaissances scientifiques dans les pratiques, les exploitations agricoles deviennent de plus en plus productives et durables. Découvrez en quoi le métier d’agriculteur moderne est aussi celui de technologue, en survolant les technologies qu’on retrouve sur la ferme d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

Renée-Claude est communicatrice scientifique qui œuvre depuis plus de dix ans au Musée de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation du Canada dans la conception et la présentation d’expositions, de programmes éducatifs et de ressources pédagogiques. Elle est engagée à partager sa passion de l’agriculture et des sciences et de la technologie et d’accroître la littératie scientifique et alimentaire au Canada.


Agriculture, Build Your Team: Find them. Develop them. Keep them.

March 24, 2022

Would you like to understand more about developing and maintaining a well performing team? How to Find successful candidates, Develop, and Keep them to utilize in your business? Join us for this FREE webinar with speaker Joe Dales who will share ideas on ways to build and maintain your farm or agriculture business staff.


Better Training = Better Work – Farm Employee Training Made Simple

March 1, 2022

Employers in the agriculture and food sector are encouraged to join us for our Better Training = Better Work – Farm Employee Training Made Simple webinar. This will be a panel style discussion and will feature producers speaking about their on-farm training for employees that they are onboarding to their teams.


How to train a new employee without an agriculture background

January 19, 2022

Are you considering hiring employees that are new to Agriculture? Is it important to your organization for them to have a stronger knowledge of the agri-food industry? What should you do to help them to develop the knowledge of the industry so that they can understand the customers and clients they will be serving?

Job Seekers

Your Future in Agriculture Panel: Opportunities and What You Don’t Know About Your Food and its Production

October 6, 2021

Join us for a panel discussion about the various opportunities available in the agri-food sector, from production to finance to marketing to engineering – there are so many roles that are involved in getting food from production through to the grocery store.


Setting Up a Successful Inclusion Program

September 15, 2021

What does your current inclusion program look like? Do you have a strategy around inclusion and diversity in your workplace?

Join us to learn more about strategies and programs that are working for other agri-food organizations.

Job Seekers

Making the Most out of an Entry-Level Position

August 11, 2021

Have you started your career in the Agri-food sector but wanting to move up the ladder? Starting at an entry-level position can give you opportunities to grow and expand your knowledge of the business and of your role. Use this entry-level job as a launching space for your career and ultimate future goals.

Job Seekers

Agriculture and Agri-Food Career & Internship Opportunities

July 14, 2021

Learn about career opportunities in the agri-food sector. Hear from interns at a variety of agricultural companies in Ontario and see what careers might await you! These interns will share their tips of how they landed their internships and you will learn more about the broad range of career options available in Agriculture and Food.


Job Seekers

Navigating Your Online Career Search

June 29, 2021

In a virtual world, the job market looks a lot different these days. Join us for this informative webinar and learn tips and tricks of how to succeed at networking and finding a job in a virtual world!

Job Seekers

Partir sa petite entreprise maraîchère

February 23, 2021

Nous vous avons présenté une proposition de parcours pour la création d’une entreprise maraîchère. Nous avons discuté de processus efficaces, de la “bonne façon” de faire les choses et de l’amélioration continue. Nous avons passé en revue toutes les étapes qu’un entrepreneur doit franchir. Pour chaque étape, nous avons discuté des tâches à accomplir et des recherches supplémentaires nécessaires.

Jeremy Colbeck est agriculteur et membre co-fondateur de la BeetBox Co-operative Farm à Ottawa. Il a raconté l’histoire du lancement de BeetBox en conjonction avec les éléments de sa présentation.


The Evolving Workplace

January 29, 2021

It’s not your grandparent’s workplace anymore—in fact, it’s likely today doesn’t even resemble your 2019 workplace either! Workplaces were changing, but nothing pushed their evolution as fast as the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this free webinar for employers, will discuss the pandemic’s impact on agri-food employment, including temporary and long-term changes for employee recruiting, hiring, and management. Discover how the agricultural workplace is evolving, and how your business needs to adapt to stay relevant.

Job Seekers

Quatre saisons sur la ferme

January 20, 2021

Cette présentation portera sur les activités des quatre saisons en agriculture. Les événements clés de chaque saison seront décrits et expliqués afin de mettre en valeur la charge de travail d’une année, dans la peau d’un agriculteur canadien.

Jessica St-John est titulaire d’une maîtrise en Sciences, et est la coordonnatrice de la formation et de la santé animale de la ferme laitière biologique de recherche Ferca.



How to Train a New Employee Without an Agriculture Background

January 19, 2021

Are you considering hiring employees that are new to Agriculture? Is it important to your organization for them to have a stronger knowledge of the agri-food industry? What should you do to help them to develop the knowledge of the industry so that they can understand the customers and clients they will be serving?

Job Seekers

Standing Out in a Virtual Interview

December 18, 2020

Virtual recruitment is the new normal, with the virtual interview becoming an essential part of the hiring process. Face-to-face interviews efficiently adapted to video platforms, while hiring and onboarding are going virtual too. Sometimes you may get a job offer before ever meeting in-person! How do you assess company culture and job fit virtually?

In this free webinar for job seekers, will highlight ways to be a standout candidate in an online job interview.

Job Seekers

Virtual Career Fair Success Tips

December 1, 2020

Most employers are continuing their recruitment and hiring, despite COVID-19. However, much of the process has gone online – including career fairs, applications, interviews,  training, and possibly even the job itself!

In this free webinar for job seekers, will explore the job market and how to navigate virtual recruitment, specifically virtual career fairs. It might surprise you what has changed and what has remained the same.

Job Seekers

Ask the Agri-Food Employer: Panelists from Field to Fork Share Their Insights

October 20, 2020

Join us as we look at current in demand jobs, touch on some employer concerns, and explore career possibilities in the industry.


Retaining Your Farming Team Members in a Competitive Labour Market

October 6, 2020

Join us as we explore the importance of workplace culture in employee retention as well as the impact of workplace culture on job satisfaction and performance. We will also cover how to make your workplace a safe and inclusive space for all and ways to combat unconscious biases.

Job Seekers

The New Normal: How Industry has Adapted to COVID-19 and Looking Ahead

September 10, 2020

This video explores the impact of COVID-19, why the supply chain, labour force and industry struggled to adapt, and the effects it might have on the future of the agri-food industry.


Well-being During COVID-19: Supporting Mental Health in Your Workplace

August 26, 2020

This video explores the importance of mental health in the agri-food industry, as well as tips and tricks for navigating employee mental health and resources available to employers.


New to Agriculture: Training and Educating Your Employees

July 16, 2020

This video covers important training information to include for new employees without a background in the agri-food industry. The video covers transferable skills that are useful in the industry as well as employees' frequently asked questions.

Job Seekers

Agri-Food Workplace Safety: Learn the Basics

July 14, 2020

This video looks at safety guidelines, employee rights, and tips on how to successfully train in health and safety both on the farm and in the manufacturing plant.


Rules and Regulations: Navigating Employer Requirements

June 29, 2020

This video covers the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) regulations, government hiring requirements, and how to utilize government programs in the future.

Job Seekers

Landing a Job in Agri-Food: Tips and Unique Job Opportunities

June 29, 2020

This video explores unique job opportunities, how to stand out, how to craft an agri-food industry specific resume as well as understanding what hard and soft skills employers are seeking.


Crafting Effective Job Descriptions: Targeting Your Ideal Candidate

June 22, 2020

Job Seekers

Agri-Food 101: Exploring Your Career Options

June 16, 2020

Upcoming Webinars

Canadian Agricultural Partnership